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Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Yay for peapod (grocery delivery service)!

after having had pancakes and egg whites (this weird carton that comes with just egg whites-per ll's recommendation, lol) for dinner, we were in desperate need for some groceries. yay for the peapod man who came at 7:30am to deliver them yesterday--despite the snow.
(guess he's a little more brave than i am, seeing as how i took a personal "snow day" from school. haha. hey i'm from cali and so is my car, we need not be driving on snow and ice thank you very much.)
anyway, the major point is that if you're half as busy (or lazy) as us, delivers groceries to your place at your requested date/time. it's really been a relationship saver...i think. if it were up to jdogg, we'd spend 3 hours at the grocery store roaming every aisle, every trip. no thanks, so thanks to peapod we're both still healthy, alive, and married :P

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