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Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Gambling/hoping that school gets canceled tomorrow (hence making me not responsible for the homework I have yet to complete) , I decided to go online and look for cool stuffs. Don't you worry about a thing ::i can hear Stevie singing in the background, hehe::, this was a successful journey :)

Cool stuffs #1: Days Ago "The DaysAgo Digital Day Counter is the first and only digital day counter that attaches to a variety of surfaces with a magnetic or suction backing and counts up to 99 days. It's a simple gadget that is re-usable, versatile and helps save money. You can use it on food containers to let you know how many days ago you opened it, closed it, tried it, sauced it, grew it, etc. As for leftovers, it eliminates the doubt about when to throw it out." -DaysAgo Really, the coolness factor is out of this world. Just about nightly, I field questions a la: "is this fresh?", "when did we open this?", "can you call your mom and see if we can still eat ______ after ___ days?" Happy Valentine's day bebeh, how about some DaysAgo counters so you don't have to doubt the freshness of your food ever again :P And, much to my delight this product has been featured on Oprah, Good Morning America, and bazmillions of other shows!

Cool Stuffs #2:
Clocky (from Nanda products) the alarm clock that runs away! nu uh, oh yes, uh huh! no more excuses or lame attempts to hide the alarm clock under the bed, to move it to a new place every week, finally...the alarm clock that makes you chase it down. aaaaaaaaaawesome! At $50 it's not the most budget friendly alarm clock, but provides you with some morning fitness (chasing down that sucker) and you can even order the one in shag. Seriously, ROFL!

Cool Stuffs #3:
Thanks to Ellen's 12 days of Christmas (probably on a day I was supposed to be using my time off work to study for finals, arg) I came across the Hydracoach Intelligent Water Bottle from Hydracoach Inc.
At just $30 and available in three colors (blue, orange, smoke), I'm super excited to offer this as part of the personal training packages I've set up. I should probably get my hands on one first but it just seems too cool not to have. Besides, I am the daughter of Mr. Finds-every-cool-gadget-before-everyone-else so I think that's justification enougth to order one, or two, or...hehe a few. In their words (at Hydracoach's website) "The HydraCoach hydration monitor is a revolutionary interactive fluid measurement device that automatically calculates, monitors and provides instant feedback on fluid consumption...Determined by a users weight and duration of exercise (sport version), the product will generate a personal hydration goal for the day. The monitor can be further adjusted manually in the setup mode to accommodate other known hydration factors (i.e. intensity of exercise, heat, altitude, pregnancy, etc...) to meet each user's specific hydration needs".

Enough said, cool tools!
I may really have to invest in these stuffs :)

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