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Saturday, February 3, 2007

290.90 lbs of equipment! really, 290.90 lbs of equipment! 9, NINE, n-i-n-e, packages from UPS! Have I ever told you how awesome my UPS guy is?
This is definitely for real guys, I'm so starting my business b/c I so started it already. Fit In D.C. will soon have a website (maybe, I hope, I think) and I already have 2 clients! :) I'm insured, have been ACE certified for eons, and I'm so excited! This is my true passion and after having worked at a gym as a personal trainer I've learned that personal training on my own is the perfect answer for me. Probably a good thing since I've been fitness obsessed for oh, 17 years! Yes, ladies and first official weight lifting and cardio session was 17 years ago!
I love my job, and school (ok, I'll admit it, but probably only this once), and my freedom...but I'm squeezing in just one more thing :) Jeremy wants a speedbag, oy! but I'm trying to convince him that we don't have room to store it in our humble little abode (yet we have room for our ~300 lbs of equipment, teehee). If Alan takes the lamp (hey he took the coffee and side tables, and table lamps, lol and...) and Jdogg can transport the heavy bag from bedroom to workout studio, more power to him and I'll cave. Stay tuned!

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