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Tuesday, February 6, 2007

-5 windchill, brrrr!

ok, these past few days are officially the coldest temperatures i've ever been exposed to, EVER. that includes a comparison to tahoe, aspen, south chile...people, these are cold places but it has been freezing here with the windchill.
in fact, it's been so cold that i can't even talk when i'm outside because my teeth get sensitive to the cold! this is crazy!!! i've bleached my teeth twice, i eat hot/cold, and have never felt sensitivity before, but now i can't talk while outside?--might as well shoot me now, lol.
anyway, it started snowing about 2 hours ago, and i'm crossing my fingers that the supposed overnight snow will close down the fed govt (for jeremy) and my school that never closes :) summy is bored out of her mind though, poor doggie doesn't understand why we can't go running.
on the bright side, it's a good thing our heater is electric (apparently) because we never set up our gas service. well, we tried but the previous owners had incredibly huge outstanding gas bills that they wouldn't let us set it up until we could show up in person with a deed of our ownership.'s on the master to-do list. i'll get to it, someday.

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