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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Exam week = Poor Blog Performance

Ack, I'm my own worst blogger. I get so frustrated when my favorite blogs don't update often enough (i.e. every day) and here I am...8 days later :0 This is insane, my apologies.

Not that you asked for them, but here are my excuses:
1. I have an exam on Monday that I must get a B in or higher or risk not graduating (no pressure)
2. I've spent my "free" time planning a fabulous St. Patty's day party
3. I've been working out religiously :)
4. I'm lame
So since there's not much fun stuff to report (other than the flat tire we got on Saturday night, ya super!) are some links to cool things/articles (Jeremy found for me) to tide you over. Enjoy!

Runometer mashes Nike + iPod with Google Maps:
Web site Runometer lets you upload or draw your running routes, then combines them with your uploaded Nike + iPod run data.

Watch My Cell Windows only: Freeware system tray application WatchMyCell logs into your cell phone account and keeps a watchful eye on how many minutes you've used for the month. Just download and install the program, set it up with your provider (currently supports Cingular, Verizon, T-mobile, Sprint, and Nextel), then define your rules for how soon you'd like to be alerted of your dwindling minutes and what form you'd like that alert to take (email or SMS).

Rulered Sheets Make You Stay on Your Side of the Bed :)

**links courtesy of Jeremy's Google Reader &

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THAT is the funniest thing I've ever seen!!! Is this really a problem?!! LOL
