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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Awwwww, happy v-day to me <3

one of the many reasons why jeremy is a keeper, he never follows the conventional stuffs. so here's what i got as my chocolates, roses, and teddy bear:

now for the funny part. last night he wanted to give me some of these gifts early (clearly b/c he knew i would love them and his thoughtfulness), and he told me the theme this year (he likes to do gift themes) was "the non-traditional traditional". ok? so my response was, "i know you're not stupid enough to buy me chocolate (b/c i hate it) and you're not stupid enough to try to fit another stuffed animal into our v. small place (i'm constantly donating items so as to "create" space), and flowers are just so a dime a dozen so i know you're not going to bring me some plain old roses...right?"

i really thought we weren't exchanging anything (hence why i got him a funny card and a nintendo wii classic controller) so i was pretty sure he wasn't getting me any of those. well, he did and he didn't. the best part is he got me cool stuffs i've never seen before and that's really my favorite. surprises! so not only am i touched that he was so creative and thoughtful, but also that he understands me so well. awww, enough for the mushiness but HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!

And, just b/c I had to share, here's my favorite part of his valentine's day card's poem:

1 comment:

CB said...

so im not sure where to put these comments so i just put it under ur last post!! what have u given up for lent? yesterday was ash wednesday!!! my thinkings are no sugar/soda/fast food/ and no eating after 9pm??? And to eat at least one veggie each day! what r ur thoughts?
miss you tons!!!