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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Oh happy day...District Sample Sale Tonight!

Ok, not to be overly religious and all but I really think that being a "better" Catholic and following the no-meat on Ash Wednesday & Fridays (despite some ppl trying to thwart that :P ) has made today wonderful. (I didn't eat meat at lunch, go me!) I'm on cloud nine bazmillion :)
Reasons why today rocks:
- It's sunny and for the first time in ages, I haven't had to wear a coat.
- I got 2 homework extensions today (for the hw I didn't quite finish...whoops) and my afternoon class is canceled.
-This caters perfectly to the District Sample Sale that is tonight, time to get my shopping and drink on!
- I turned in my final graduation paperwork, just gotta write the 10 page paper and pass my classes this semester
- I'm hanging out with some awesome girlfriends I've made in DC since moving here...and an old favorite from Cali. woohoo!
- I picked out the last item (intersecting frames/mirror) to decorate our living room before I deem it complete, ahhh :)

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