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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Oh happy day...District Sample Sale Tonight!

Ok, not to be overly religious and all but I really think that being a "better" Catholic and following the no-meat on Ash Wednesday & Fridays (despite some ppl trying to thwart that :P ) has made today wonderful. (I didn't eat meat at lunch, go me!) I'm on cloud nine bazmillion :)
Reasons why today rocks:
- It's sunny and for the first time in ages, I haven't had to wear a coat.
- I got 2 homework extensions today (for the hw I didn't quite finish...whoops) and my afternoon class is canceled.
-This caters perfectly to the District Sample Sale that is tonight, time to get my shopping and drink on!
- I turned in my final graduation paperwork, just gotta write the 10 page paper and pass my classes this semester
- I'm hanging out with some awesome girlfriends I've made in DC since moving here...and an old favorite from Cali. woohoo!
- I picked out the last item (intersecting frames/mirror) to decorate our living room before I deem it complete, ahhh :)

Friday, February 23, 2007

Froogle Wish Lists

With 2 birthdays to shop for this week, I started thinking...what if I could magically figure out what everyone wanted? Well, I guess that wouldn't be any fun, but as I tried to explain to Jeremy that some people use wish lists on or other websites (a la registry)--even sephora has this now--I found that I finally knew about a Google function/feature before he did...this may be the one and only time ever, haha.
So instead of writing down my shopping wishlists on my calendar (I like knowing when I wanted something, haha...just in case I get over it before I can get my hands on it), now I can use Google's Froogle Wish List feature. Cool! Check it out, it's like my data dump for fashion and beauty wants (definitely not needs, but hey i can pretend). Sort-of like a flavor of the day/week diary for shopping, haha. (Maria's Froogle)
**updated 3/1: I think I've created a Froogle Wishlist monster, look at what Jeremy's done :0

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Exam week = Poor Blog Performance

Ack, I'm my own worst blogger. I get so frustrated when my favorite blogs don't update often enough (i.e. every day) and here I am...8 days later :0 This is insane, my apologies.

Not that you asked for them, but here are my excuses:
1. I have an exam on Monday that I must get a B in or higher or risk not graduating (no pressure)
2. I've spent my "free" time planning a fabulous St. Patty's day party
3. I've been working out religiously :)
4. I'm lame
So since there's not much fun stuff to report (other than the flat tire we got on Saturday night, ya super!) are some links to cool things/articles (Jeremy found for me) to tide you over. Enjoy!

Runometer mashes Nike + iPod with Google Maps:
Web site Runometer lets you upload or draw your running routes, then combines them with your uploaded Nike + iPod run data.

Watch My Cell Windows only: Freeware system tray application WatchMyCell logs into your cell phone account and keeps a watchful eye on how many minutes you've used for the month. Just download and install the program, set it up with your provider (currently supports Cingular, Verizon, T-mobile, Sprint, and Nextel), then define your rules for how soon you'd like to be alerted of your dwindling minutes and what form you'd like that alert to take (email or SMS).

Rulered Sheets Make You Stay on Your Side of the Bed :)

**links courtesy of Jeremy's Google Reader &

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Awwwww, happy v-day to me <3

one of the many reasons why jeremy is a keeper, he never follows the conventional stuffs. so here's what i got as my chocolates, roses, and teddy bear:

now for the funny part. last night he wanted to give me some of these gifts early (clearly b/c he knew i would love them and his thoughtfulness), and he told me the theme this year (he likes to do gift themes) was "the non-traditional traditional". ok? so my response was, "i know you're not stupid enough to buy me chocolate (b/c i hate it) and you're not stupid enough to try to fit another stuffed animal into our v. small place (i'm constantly donating items so as to "create" space), and flowers are just so a dime a dozen so i know you're not going to bring me some plain old roses...right?"

i really thought we weren't exchanging anything (hence why i got him a funny card and a nintendo wii classic controller) so i was pretty sure he wasn't getting me any of those. well, he did and he didn't. the best part is he got me cool stuffs i've never seen before and that's really my favorite. surprises! so not only am i touched that he was so creative and thoughtful, but also that he understands me so well. awww, enough for the mushiness but HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!

And, just b/c I had to share, here's my favorite part of his valentine's day card's poem:

Snow Day :)

School has done me good, haha. It's officially a snow day and all (3) of my torturous classes did not happen today, woohoo!--talk about an awesome 5 day hw extension that I very much needed. Since the federal govt and law schools didn't work in jeremy's favor, I decided to sleep in and shovel our walkway (again) and the backyard so summy can go to her office in peace.
While in the backyard I noticed these (proof that I'm not a nag):
...I think it's been about ummm 6-7 months since he's brought these shoes inside. Flip-flops look good buried in snow right? :P

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Gambling/hoping that school gets canceled tomorrow (hence making me not responsible for the homework I have yet to complete) , I decided to go online and look for cool stuffs. Don't you worry about a thing ::i can hear Stevie singing in the background, hehe::, this was a successful journey :)

Cool stuffs #1: Days Ago "The DaysAgo Digital Day Counter is the first and only digital day counter that attaches to a variety of surfaces with a magnetic or suction backing and counts up to 99 days. It's a simple gadget that is re-usable, versatile and helps save money. You can use it on food containers to let you know how many days ago you opened it, closed it, tried it, sauced it, grew it, etc. As for leftovers, it eliminates the doubt about when to throw it out." -DaysAgo Really, the coolness factor is out of this world. Just about nightly, I field questions a la: "is this fresh?", "when did we open this?", "can you call your mom and see if we can still eat ______ after ___ days?" Happy Valentine's day bebeh, how about some DaysAgo counters so you don't have to doubt the freshness of your food ever again :P And, much to my delight this product has been featured on Oprah, Good Morning America, and bazmillions of other shows!

Cool Stuffs #2:
Clocky (from Nanda products) the alarm clock that runs away! nu uh, oh yes, uh huh! no more excuses or lame attempts to hide the alarm clock under the bed, to move it to a new place every week, finally...the alarm clock that makes you chase it down. aaaaaaaaaawesome! At $50 it's not the most budget friendly alarm clock, but provides you with some morning fitness (chasing down that sucker) and you can even order the one in shag. Seriously, ROFL!

Cool Stuffs #3:
Thanks to Ellen's 12 days of Christmas (probably on a day I was supposed to be using my time off work to study for finals, arg) I came across the Hydracoach Intelligent Water Bottle from Hydracoach Inc.
At just $30 and available in three colors (blue, orange, smoke), I'm super excited to offer this as part of the personal training packages I've set up. I should probably get my hands on one first but it just seems too cool not to have. Besides, I am the daughter of Mr. Finds-every-cool-gadget-before-everyone-else so I think that's justification enougth to order one, or two, or...hehe a few. In their words (at Hydracoach's website) "The HydraCoach hydration monitor is a revolutionary interactive fluid measurement device that automatically calculates, monitors and provides instant feedback on fluid consumption...Determined by a users weight and duration of exercise (sport version), the product will generate a personal hydration goal for the day. The monitor can be further adjusted manually in the setup mode to accommodate other known hydration factors (i.e. intensity of exercise, heat, altitude, pregnancy, etc...) to meet each user's specific hydration needs".

Enough said, cool tools!
I may really have to invest in these stuffs :)

Friday, February 9, 2007

Spend $30 w/ Paypal and get $15 back :)

Shopping deal of the day: Click on this link to activate your Paypal account for this offer, then make a PayPal purchase of $30 or more between 2/8 and 3/31 anywhere PayPal is accepted (eBay,,, and get $15 deposited into your PayPal account by May 27! Woohoo, sounds like a no-brainer to me!

C-Mart is coming to DC!

C-mart, no smartypants, not K-mart...I said C-mart. Well, what is this wonderful wonder? Really, I didn't know either. Straight from the C-mart's mouth, "Its everything from a designer D&G dress to a Bernhardt wardrobe to hang it in. From a smashing pin stripe Hugo Boss suit, to a Maitland-Smith partner's desk - all at 50 to 85% off."
How exciting! I'm already dreaming of all the fabulous vacations (read: Miami/Vegas/Aruba) I can/will take with all the $$ I'll be saving at C-mart. C-Mart is opening Saturday February 17 at 10am in front of FedEx field. The Baltimore Business Journal says that this site will house the 120,000 square foot store. And I thought IKEA was hard to navigate, haha. Don't you worry, I'll be back with a review after next weekend :)

Boutique Oohlala!


Boutique Oohlala now sells petite sizes! Short people can now look good (finally) too!
How cute is this? or this seersucker one?

*pictures courtesy of

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Yay for peapod (grocery delivery service)!

after having had pancakes and egg whites (this weird carton that comes with just egg whites-per ll's recommendation, lol) for dinner, we were in desperate need for some groceries. yay for the peapod man who came at 7:30am to deliver them yesterday--despite the snow.
(guess he's a little more brave than i am, seeing as how i took a personal "snow day" from school. haha. hey i'm from cali and so is my car, we need not be driving on snow and ice thank you very much.)
anyway, the major point is that if you're half as busy (or lazy) as us, delivers groceries to your place at your requested date/time. it's really been a relationship saver...i think. if it were up to jdogg, we'd spend 3 hours at the grocery store roaming every aisle, every trip. no thanks, so thanks to peapod we're both still healthy, alive, and married :P

Superbowl Recap :P (Super MonkeyBall?)

So, if a picture is worth a thousand words, how do these 3 sum up my Superbowl Sunday? (in all honesty, a good time was had by all, yummy food, and the Wii was only the showcase event during the official half-time...but Super MonkeyBall? haha)

-5 windchill, brrrr!

ok, these past few days are officially the coldest temperatures i've ever been exposed to, EVER. that includes a comparison to tahoe, aspen, south chile...people, these are cold places but it has been freezing here with the windchill.
in fact, it's been so cold that i can't even talk when i'm outside because my teeth get sensitive to the cold! this is crazy!!! i've bleached my teeth twice, i eat hot/cold, and have never felt sensitivity before, but now i can't talk while outside?--might as well shoot me now, lol.
anyway, it started snowing about 2 hours ago, and i'm crossing my fingers that the supposed overnight snow will close down the fed govt (for jeremy) and my school that never closes :) summy is bored out of her mind though, poor doggie doesn't understand why we can't go running.
on the bright side, it's a good thing our heater is electric (apparently) because we never set up our gas service. well, we tried but the previous owners had incredibly huge outstanding gas bills that they wouldn't let us set it up until we could show up in person with a deed of our ownership.'s on the master to-do list. i'll get to it, someday.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

290.90 lbs of equipment! really, 290.90 lbs of equipment! 9, NINE, n-i-n-e, packages from UPS! Have I ever told you how awesome my UPS guy is?
This is definitely for real guys, I'm so starting my business b/c I so started it already. Fit In D.C. will soon have a website (maybe, I hope, I think) and I already have 2 clients! :) I'm insured, have been ACE certified for eons, and I'm so excited! This is my true passion and after having worked at a gym as a personal trainer I've learned that personal training on my own is the perfect answer for me. Probably a good thing since I've been fitness obsessed for oh, 17 years! Yes, ladies and first official weight lifting and cardio session was 17 years ago!
I love my job, and school (ok, I'll admit it, but probably only this once), and my freedom...but I'm squeezing in just one more thing :) Jeremy wants a speedbag, oy! but I'm trying to convince him that we don't have room to store it in our humble little abode (yet we have room for our ~300 lbs of equipment, teehee). If Alan takes the lamp (hey he took the coffee and side tables, and table lamps, lol and...) and Jdogg can transport the heavy bag from bedroom to workout studio, more power to him and I'll cave. Stay tuned!

Friday, February 2, 2007


This is sincerely truly the greatest thing to have come into my cosmetics world (well, ok aside from the Tarte cheek stain and the Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer), this lip gloss is an awesome lip plumper. Bare Escentuals' Buxom Lips is shiny, not really sticky, long-lasting and has a cool tingling to plump your lips. I got my first one, Amber, as part of the Bare Escentuals Peacock kit back in November...I've been waiting ::patiently:: for the release of more colors, and yay my prayers have been answered. Run to Sephora, at $18 each I may have to buy all three colors :P