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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Yelp pulls through yet again

I love yelp! Can I please just remind you how wonderful it is to read reviews on restaurants, hotels, stores, movie theaters, etc? If you haven't yet used the reviews on their website to guide you in a new (to you) city, get on that!

After waking up on Saturday doing my best impression of Cyclops (yup, one eye swollen shut...awesome), and noting it was day 1 of my new not-so-easy-to-understand health insurance, I opted to mind over matter my way out of this and try some retail therapy. While venturing through Gtown and watching Jeremy go nuts over his treasured Ice Luge, a pair of Aviators, and finally a Mario Bros energy drink should have helped my eye didn't :(

Fast forward to some more mind over matter failed retail efforts on Sunday, and you have me scrounging for a new best pedicure recommendation on Monday.

I've tried PR downtown, Aveda in Bethesda, Red Door in Chevy Chase, and blah blah blah. I'm very anti-save-your-money-risk-an-infection when it comes to manis/pedis so after each failed $60 pedi at these places, I just gave up and decided that nothing would meet the bar set by Tsume back home.

Until...(here comes yelp to save the day and my eye :P ) I read about Joy's Spa in Adams Morgan. I had the most relaxing pedi w/ hot stone massage, which was seriously better than the best pedicure plus massage combined I've ever had. I'm too type A, on the go, to really enjoy most massages but as I mature (haha) I find that a quality deep tissue massage (especially when efficiently added to a pedicure) is just what a girl should have. In a nutshell, I definitely recommend going for the hot stone massage pedi with Yana! You will have no regrets and feel so amazingly relaxed.

Plus, I've now made a note to time I wake up w/ a puffy eye and I opt out of seeing the doctor, I'm just gonna head over to Adams Morgan for my fabulous pedi b/c guess what?--my eye is back to normal, just in time for a case of the Mondays :)

1 comment:

CB said...

is yelp only in the us? is there anything like that for europe, my internet junkie friend???? btw i miss you so much