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Monday, September 24, 2007

Sitting at home, enjoying my new candle

I'm sitting on the couch and getting ready for Day1's workout recommended by Jillian Michael's Making the Cut, but I got distracted and had to share.

I'm so loving my new home fragrance (candle) and I really didn't expect to like it so much that now I'm torn between not lighting it in an effort to prolong its life and of course using it because it's so yummy. Perhaps it was the rest of the ambiance of my new favorite boutique, but my sister and I walked into Sugar two weeks ago and I immediately was drawn by the clean, warm, and inviting scent of their Grapefruit candle. It was the Grapefruit Tropical candle from MakesScents. Their website shows that they only sell wholesale :( so I hope you can find them at a local boutique.

At almost twice the price, I still wanted to share my other favorite candle scent. Tocca's Feu de Touch is the perfect combination of romance (sweet) and spa (relaxing). I'm the worst at describing scents or tastes, but trust me on this one it's fab!

However, if you're looking for something to last while providing a continuous lovely aroma, props go to my best friend C for getting me what is now my favorite, the Antica Farmacista Tuberose Home Diffuser. It took three other failed attempts at finding a diffuser that a.)worked as in provided any scent, b.) didn't need daily flipping of the reeds, and c.) didn't reek after a while. The diffuser lasted us a good 3 months, and I placed it near our entryway so as to be greeted with it's welcoming scent. Absolutely love and recommend this for everyone!

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