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Friday, September 21, 2007

Time to invest in experiences

I have more clothes than I know what to do with (well given my teeny closet and dresser space), and despite several trips to the donation bin in our neighborhood...I think that any more clothing purchases (or shoes) would just perpetuate the 80/20 phenomenon. I've read in several fashion books and blogs that we tend to wear 20% of our wardrobe 80% of the time. This is so true, we find our comfort zone and we fail to branch out...even in our closets! I actually get a chuckle out of how real that is. I've been challenging myself to wear items that are collecting dust, and it's really fun and the "strategery" almost gives me a headache (I think I lack a creative right brain entirely).

Anyway, with Fall looming and Winter around the corner (although I'm glad we'll be opting for 3 weeks of South American summer during that time), I'm focusing more on our travels and my health.

I've ordered the BodyBugg because I need to look fab and toned for our mid-winter beach vacation (just when I was getting used to packing on the annual winter flub to deal with the icy conditions around here). My issue has always been overeating, and while overeating celery and carrots is less catastrophic to the clothing-fit issue, JDogg has devastated my naive love for all healthy foods by bringing all that is tasty (junk) home for dinner and spoiling my healthy taste buds. I spent so many years eating food that was healthy and cardboard tasting, lol, that I forgot what I was missing out on...don't worry, I've been reminded. So in an effort to practice portion control, for maybe the first or second time in my life, I am hoping the BodyBugg can let me obsess a little less. Yes, I'm that lazy in some respects.

I am also of the mindset where I rather enjoy food and "pay" for it by running 10 miles, than starving myself and living a sedentary life. It's not a punish/reward system, but instead it suits what makes me happy (food, drinks, and exercise).

Additionally, I'll admit it...I miss school. I'm sick like that, and I miss the torture apparently. Starting in October, I'm going to try school for fun by taking a Digital Photography short course at the Corcoran. I enrolled this time, before the class filled up :) I'm so lucky to have such great resources within walking distance, and I really can't wait to start taking pictures where I know what I'm doing. Also, I should be mastering some post-processing editing.

And a picture of the beautiful Congrats roses I received from my family on Wednesday :)

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