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Monday, September 17, 2007

Another hot outlet find :)

I'm not big on sifting through shoe bins and other clearance racks at outlet and discount stores, I'm just not patient enough. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm all about getting the real thing and trying to pay not-so-real prices any chance I get. I think the OCD in me just can't deal with the messiness and clutter that usually accompanies these discounters.

Well, we went into Off 5th to find some skinny jeans for Aunt P and when that failed we tried to find her some flat knee high boots. Lucky for me, I get bored easily and wandered over to my size. Stumbled upon these beauties, which I ordered from Piperlime twice in May and had my order canceled.

Finally mine, and the big giant discount is a perk too!

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