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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

New cool stuffs

Ohoh, combine a gEEk and a fitness fanatic, show her the BodyBugg, and then try to keep her from regurgitating her memorized Amex # to get this delivered ASAP. Please?!?

Track your calorie intake and calories expended by wearing this nifty little band on your arm throughout the day. I wonder if you have to sleep with it on? Ouch, probably not. Actually, I hope so...that way I won't want to purchase this, haha. What I've gathered is that this device has received wonderful reviews from fitness professionals (wait, that's sorta come I don't have one yet?) and it's an effective tool in tracking your general calorie count throughout the day. I have tried the fitness and eating logs, I've tried the Sparkpeople food trackers, I've probably tried all tracking efforts. In my experience, the more I obsess or think about fitness and diet or any type of food deprivation, it ends up backfiring and I pretty much binge in one fashion or another.

Since this has a rated 92% accuracy on tracking your calorie expenditure, it really works like that dream gadget I hoped would help me realize if I might in fact be hungry (due to a calorie deficit), bored, or engaging in emotionally eating. I like how the video on the BodyBugg website points out that by the end of your day and based on your caloric goals, you'll be clear on whether or not it's time for the 2nd helping of dinner or a jog around the neighborhood.

I'm an engineer. I find problems and I like to solve them. Knowing that I've had X number of calories when I should be grossing X makes this an easy equation for me (I don't diet, but I definitely enjoying eating healthy and a hard run or workout). I'm also very goal oriented, and so if I know where I stand en route to that finish line, I can manage the sprint to get me there. I've lost 5lbs (which isn't a ton, I realize...but I'm short and I don't carry extra poundage very well) and I'm really going to get rid of the rest of my post-college pudge. This might just be the enabler, something to think about in my dreams.

Goodnight :)

I will go to bed without buying this, I will go to bed without buying this, ay...that doesn't mean that this device won't make it into my world sooner than later. Patience patience, what to do.

Read the review on fitsugar by clicking here. Swoon!

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