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Saturday, August 4, 2007

Apparently his book didn't offer enough entertainment

Shotgunning a Balashi, KLASSY!

Friday night recap: Amazing dinner at our favorite Salt & Pepper. Maria made Jeremy sad by reminding him what a dodo he was about le cell phone. Hans (our Dutch bartender friend) kept handing Jeremy the Polar to make him feel better. Hence the beginning of a long long stoooopid night.

We missed the last bus back to the hotel (no cabs as we are trying to be frugal), so somehow we made it back to a CASINO.

Checked out the new RIU Palace, noticed we couldn't even afford water there. Went back to the Renaissance Casino, stayed until the pit boss said the Casino was closed, turned a few $5 bets into $40 :), and rode back to our timeshare with our new Aruban friends. Typical Aruban adventures.

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