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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

No time, no time :(

Right about now, I really need cloning technology to hurry up.

I need at least 2 more of me between work, travel planning, (pretending) to workout, photography class, grocery list making, menu planning, ordering my chef (JDogg) around, being sick, visiting friends, etc.

Don't get me wrong, my favorite hobby is being busy.

We were out of town for the past 2 of 3 weekends, and so I'm still playing catch-up.

That being said, the new job is making a dent in my blogging :( But I am still an avid blog reader (is that even allowed?). I have to stay current/ahead with the technology blogs in my new role but that means that Google Reader can still feed some nice little fashion and fun stuff tidbits in between the portable DNA and touch-enabled screens I'm researching.

Check out my "shared" links on the Google Reader heading to the right. It's my favorite stuffs for the hundreds of posts I read each day :)

As time permits, I will try to highlight my very favorite links over there as unique posts on here. Tata!

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