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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Another one to add to your favs

After 3 years of using the excuse, "sorry I'm not from around here"...I'm realizing that while I am a proud Cali transplant (the part about being proud to be from Cali more than being proud of being a transplant, I think) I am pretty resourceful on providing directions to suburbanites having trouble navigating this city's wonderful circles. At the same time, that's a little sad because my brain's database for distinguishing VA from MD depends heavily on metro-stop names.

I'm easily amused and thankful for the basic website that helps me get from point A to point B, figure out what point B is, and even enable a pit stop along the way.

Hopstop was brought to my attention by a local style blog I lurve at DCStyleMag. Now you have a dandy little tool that helps you figure out the most optimum route (not just driving directions) based on your public transportation preferences in certain cities. While limited to just 8 cities in the US so far, this is a pretty helpful little site for my old friends in SF and those in DC as well. The database has been setup to include Chicago, Boston, NYC, and a few other surrounding areas. Take a look!

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