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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

New addition to the accessories

A little glitch in the gift-giving/receiving around here, but enough explaining (and I'm definitely not complaining--crap, that rhymed, ugh!).

I introduce you to my new enamel bracelet from Hermes! I love that they (Hermes people) were thoughtful enough to design these in 2 sizes, so that I can finally wear a cuff without worrying that it'll fall off. Yes, I've lost Tiffany's bracelets that way (but it was from my ex-bf so who cares :P )

While the story is a little overdue, Jdogg and I went to the secret opening of Bloomingdales up in Chevy Chase. Truth be told, I pretty much dragged him but it was one of the last free afternoons I knew I would have for a while and you received a $25 giftcard each for you and your friend for attending that day. Clearly he had no choice :P

On our way to Bloomies, I had a return to make at Neiman's and I casually walked by the Hermes boutique to see if they had any orange signature enamel bracelets in stock (they didn't when I strolled through the week before). Lucky me, they had one in the smaller size and J loved it on me. Given that he wasn't aware graduations might be a gift-giving event (or that birthdays deserve cakes :P ) he convinced me to take it home as my MSEE graduation gift :) Better late than never, yay! I love him for not making me feel materialistic (although this blog certainly makes me look that way...yikes)!

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