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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Sushi...I'm so glad you came into my life

Yup, the food that involves all the creatures I swore I would never eat, I'm now obsessed.

Last week J&J took us out for some tasty tasty sushi back home (Yuki Sushi) and tonight I wasn't feeling the cooking vibe so we went on a little date to Sushi Taro. Thanks to the positive feedback on yelp we went for it and were pleasantly surprised. 2nd best sushi I've had (which doesn't say much) but I look forward to going back and trying more new items from the huuuuuuuge menu. We shared the Tataki appetizer (mmm, but a little thick/rare for my liking) and I got the 2 wimpyiest-least adventurous rolls on the menu (Alaskan and Shrimp Tempura) but they were yummy. I even tried some of J's spider roll and it was super yummy! Mom, I ate a softshell crab's shell and I didn't spit it out and say ewwwww...I'm making you proud I just know it!

I love city living, we can just decide to go to dinner and be at whatever cuisine we want in a matter of a 5-10 minute walk tops. Awesome!

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