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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

He KILLS CRICKETS but he also scrubs mildew off the deck

So, today was a LONG day...we woke up at 3ish am when Barky von Cricket got all high and mighty and hopped in bed with us? AS IF?!?

So long story short (although it was a long story)...Jeremy ended up beating a 2" cricket into a pulp (and DENTING the hardwood in our br) because he (the cricket) didn't come out when asked to. LOL. Not really all that funny when you wake up to a DH pounding a broom into the ground, but I'm used to this kinda stuff.

He would like me to share that unlike some of his relatives, he hates housework, lawnwork, landscape, anything related to labor :P Nonetheless, I got him to scrub the mildew off our deck and now we have a be-you-ti-ful patio of which we will host many a bbq and happy hour after parties in the near future :) Fresh keg of rolling rock to go with that, wahoo!

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