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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Bad guys really do suck

Ho hum.

What was and should've just been an amazingly fun and wonderful weekend in NYC has now turned into a terrible financial burden. And I was hoping to share my new PinkBerry obsession (jumping on the bandwagon) with you :(

For legal reasons (I think) and to spare you my bitching and moaning...a phone went missing (lost/stolen?) and some person(s) with no conscience or sense for karma decided to rack up $2500+ in long distance charges in 48 hours. And to top off the audacity of these mystery evil-doers, they called the 611 customer service number tonight (after we had canceled the service) TWICE apparently to claim about having their service shutoff. Oh how I wish I had some detective friends to help work on this. I watch too much Law & Order and/or CSI and I guess I thought some legal authority might help and/or care about this. Haven't lost total hope, but will keep you posted if any miracles happen.

When we reported this to the police and the mobile phone company, so that the number could be suspended...we were told we would be responsible for all charges. There is apparently no fraud department, no investigative staff, nothing to help us fight this.

This is going to go to the lawyers and all our local news, but in the end it looks like we're fighting a losing battle.

Why this might matter to you?
- You are not protected on your cell phone, like you are on a credit card, for fradulent charges.
- You can help prevent this by banning international calls from you cell phone.
- You can also prevent this by purchasing/using a pay-as-you-go plan.
But really, this just sucks.

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