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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Guess who is what :P

Aries is a Fire Sign and Virgo is an Earth Sign. Where Aries is all fiery impetuosity, Virgo is grounded practicality. Virgo weighs all the options before devoting any serious effort, while Aries simply sees what they want and dives in! This is true both in career and in personal relationships -- which can be something of a stumbling block. If Aries has decided it's Virgo they want, they might be frustrated for some time to come, waiting for Virgo to make up their mind about whether the relationship is a good idea.

Aries is a Cardinal Sign and Virgo is a Mutable Sign. Virgo doesn't need to be the leader or the boss; they're glad to follow another's suggestion once they decide it's a viable one. Aries, on the other hand, wants to make those
suggestions -- every time. This is a beneficial dynamic if these two Signs are working as a team toward a common goal.

What's the best aspect of the Aries-Virgo relationship? Their great effectiveness as a team -- business or personal. Their personalities, opposite in so many ways, make for a highly complementary relationship.

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