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Monday, July 16, 2007

Back from Cali, and very sleepy

We made it home last night after our 5 day adventure that really felt like 1 big blur. So much to see and do and a whole lotta people to catch up with. We had a great time and took ummm 7 pictures? My poor camera just want along for the ride apparently. I think I was too zonked most of the time to remember to a.) bring the camera and b.) take said camera out of the case.

I will post pictures of the new addition to the family, Jack when I get home tonight (I hope).

In the meantime, work has/will keep me plenty busy. Good news on that front, things are starting to get real and we may have a longer-term plan for me here, yay!

Jeremy is sick and miserable. He has his summer final next week, and then we're off to NYC and Aruba all in a blur.

Our lovely neighbor stored my UPS package (Dolce Vita shoes) for us while we were away but sadly they are TOO BIG :( and don't come in a smaller size! I think my feet really are shrinking, this is crazy! But probably meant to be as I was on a shopping ban and broke that at NR and Nordies again on the weekend. Anniversary pre-sale, hello, duh! I got 2 new DVFs, a Theory skirt, Vince cardie, the green necklace I've been searching high and low for, and an awesome over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder. Pictures to come, I promise b/c these items are keepers.

Here's hoping that my blog gets back into shape this week. Me no likey boring words and a lack of pictures.

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