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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Bad guys really do suck

Ho hum.

What was and should've just been an amazingly fun and wonderful weekend in NYC has now turned into a terrible financial burden. And I was hoping to share my new PinkBerry obsession (jumping on the bandwagon) with you :(

For legal reasons (I think) and to spare you my bitching and moaning...a phone went missing (lost/stolen?) and some person(s) with no conscience or sense for karma decided to rack up $2500+ in long distance charges in 48 hours. And to top off the audacity of these mystery evil-doers, they called the 611 customer service number tonight (after we had canceled the service) TWICE apparently to claim about having their service shutoff. Oh how I wish I had some detective friends to help work on this. I watch too much Law & Order and/or CSI and I guess I thought some legal authority might help and/or care about this. Haven't lost total hope, but will keep you posted if any miracles happen.

When we reported this to the police and the mobile phone company, so that the number could be suspended...we were told we would be responsible for all charges. There is apparently no fraud department, no investigative staff, nothing to help us fight this.

This is going to go to the lawyers and all our local news, but in the end it looks like we're fighting a losing battle.

Why this might matter to you?
- You are not protected on your cell phone, like you are on a credit card, for fradulent charges.
- You can help prevent this by banning international calls from you cell phone.
- You can also prevent this by purchasing/using a pay-as-you-go plan.
But really, this just sucks.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I hope NYC is ready for the Cali Invasion

Guess who is what :P

Aries is a Fire Sign and Virgo is an Earth Sign. Where Aries is all fiery impetuosity, Virgo is grounded practicality. Virgo weighs all the options before devoting any serious effort, while Aries simply sees what they want and dives in! This is true both in career and in personal relationships -- which can be something of a stumbling block. If Aries has decided it's Virgo they want, they might be frustrated for some time to come, waiting for Virgo to make up their mind about whether the relationship is a good idea.

Aries is a Cardinal Sign and Virgo is a Mutable Sign. Virgo doesn't need to be the leader or the boss; they're glad to follow another's suggestion once they decide it's a viable one. Aries, on the other hand, wants to make those
suggestions -- every time. This is a beneficial dynamic if these two Signs are working as a team toward a common goal.

What's the best aspect of the Aries-Virgo relationship? Their great effectiveness as a team -- business or personal. Their personalities, opposite in so many ways, make for a highly complementary relationship.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Are you constantly zipping around the world, flying the friendly skies?

Regardless, I'm sure you get on planes every now and again...I found the perfect fix for bad-ear people like Jeremy. If you've ever bust your eardrum doing I dunno, SNUBA!, or snorkeling and other shallow diving, then your poor little ears probably need some Ear Planes.

Ear Planes are designed to reduce airplane noise (though not the primary goal) and, more importantly, reduce the pressure in your ears by their corkscrew twist-into-ear design. I dunno, I'm not a rocket scientist (just a gEEk) and he does have the Bose noise reducers, but maybe these can help with the ear pressure issues he has.

Full report after we get back from Aruba :)

Sometimes Summy needs a special treat too

How perfect is this for Summy? I spend every field trip to Htown cleaning the backseat of Summer's hair and drool...yuck! Summer rides in style, which means she hangs her head out the window: rain, snow, sleet, or shine...she's gotta have an open window--as can be evidenced by the nose prints left when we don't let her hang out the window while on the interstate (or freeways as I would say).

Well Jeremy found this, and how perfect is it? I hope it stays in place. Either way, along with a doggie DNA kit and this, I think her bday gifts are shaping up just peachy.


You know you can't resist. Hurry, because stock is limited and prices go back up August 5. Some really cute dresses I tell ya, and Spanx and Hanky Pankys are on sale too :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Sushi...I'm so glad you came into my life

Yup, the food that involves all the creatures I swore I would never eat, I'm now obsessed.

Last week J&J took us out for some tasty tasty sushi back home (Yuki Sushi) and tonight I wasn't feeling the cooking vibe so we went on a little date to Sushi Taro. Thanks to the positive feedback on yelp we went for it and were pleasantly surprised. 2nd best sushi I've had (which doesn't say much) but I look forward to going back and trying more new items from the huuuuuuuge menu. We shared the Tataki appetizer (mmm, but a little thick/rare for my liking) and I got the 2 wimpyiest-least adventurous rolls on the menu (Alaskan and Shrimp Tempura) but they were yummy. I even tried some of J's spider roll and it was super yummy! Mom, I ate a softshell crab's shell and I didn't spit it out and say ewwwww...I'm making you proud I just know it!

I love city living, we can just decide to go to dinner and be at whatever cuisine we want in a matter of a 5-10 minute walk tops. Awesome!

Rachel B is wearing my shoes!

and I had em first, love my Coach Rheas
this has gotta earn me points in the style department :P

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Not my windshield, but might as well be

Thank goodness for Geico comprehensive insurance because my baby now needs a new windshield:(

We'll hope it was a natural disaster of sorts that caused this because if some little twit did this on purpose, I KNOW karma has a can of whoopass waiting for them.

Arg, cars in cities ARE NOT FUN...EVER!

Welcome Sir Jack Attack

for a little fun...

Monday, July 16, 2007

Back from Cali, and very sleepy

We made it home last night after our 5 day adventure that really felt like 1 big blur. So much to see and do and a whole lotta people to catch up with. We had a great time and took ummm 7 pictures? My poor camera just want along for the ride apparently. I think I was too zonked most of the time to remember to a.) bring the camera and b.) take said camera out of the case.

I will post pictures of the new addition to the family, Jack when I get home tonight (I hope).

In the meantime, work has/will keep me plenty busy. Good news on that front, things are starting to get real and we may have a longer-term plan for me here, yay!

Jeremy is sick and miserable. He has his summer final next week, and then we're off to NYC and Aruba all in a blur.

Our lovely neighbor stored my UPS package (Dolce Vita shoes) for us while we were away but sadly they are TOO BIG :( and don't come in a smaller size! I think my feet really are shrinking, this is crazy! But probably meant to be as I was on a shopping ban and broke that at NR and Nordies again on the weekend. Anniversary pre-sale, hello, duh! I got 2 new DVFs, a Theory skirt, Vince cardie, the green necklace I've been searching high and low for, and an awesome over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder. Pictures to come, I promise b/c these items are keepers.

Here's hoping that my blog gets back into shape this week. Me no likey boring words and a lack of pictures.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

He KILLS CRICKETS but he also scrubs mildew off the deck

So, today was a LONG day...we woke up at 3ish am when Barky von Cricket got all high and mighty and hopped in bed with us? AS IF?!?

So long story short (although it was a long story)...Jeremy ended up beating a 2" cricket into a pulp (and DENTING the hardwood in our br) because he (the cricket) didn't come out when asked to. LOL. Not really all that funny when you wake up to a DH pounding a broom into the ground, but I'm used to this kinda stuff.

He would like me to share that unlike some of his relatives, he hates housework, lawnwork, landscape, anything related to labor :P Nonetheless, I got him to scrub the mildew off our deck and now we have a be-you-ti-ful patio of which we will host many a bbq and happy hour after parties in the near future :) Fresh keg of rolling rock to go with that, wahoo!

Shopping ban, I know I know...but...

Awww, alas SMG had to sport some foxy shoes to the opening of Harrod's on Monday and so I had to jump (off the shopping ban, shhhh it was voluntary) and get le inspirations (or knockoffs as le tarjay people would acknowlege).
Thanks to my muy fashionable friends, I grabbed the last of the dolce vita t-strap peep toes in blush from shopbop and I hope to see them muy soon. Here's my inspiration: (and I'll post the real deal, no I promise this time)

Riesling, how I love thee...and all to myself

Missing our Saudi homeys ;)

Call us fatheads, I do:P Jenny, here we come :PWatch as the shootsac makes a cameo:

It was a lonelier 4th than usual, but that's probably good practice for us since we'll all be headed separate ways someday soon :/
Enjoy our tornado-avoiding poses during the national fireworks show :)