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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

To the papi (and mami) who raised my 2 amazing sisters and me, to the dad who inspired me to ask why, always, to the dad who taught me that playing with calculators and pencil collections can be just as fun as all things pink, to the dad who's faster with the gadgets than Gizmodo or Engadget, to the dad who never let me give up, before the end of both degrees...thank you!
To the dad that gave us all an education to be forever grateful for, timed just right so that the last one would finish on father's day :P Happy Graduation Paula!
Dad, thank you for giving the shirt off of your back for everyone! Thanks for picking the best mom in the world to be by your side. Thank you for being a role model, thank you for being you!
I love you daddy!

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