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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Congrats to a mammal who makes me proud

Well, really that's both of you donkeys. Way to go, smooshing your graduations all together. You always wanted to be twins, but sheesh!

I tried to find the most embarrassing picture of you, just to keep it real and all :P

Camila, you'll be done done in August---your congrats post can wait :P

Paula, no matter what any ME department tells you, congrats! Congrats Pulita, you did really did it! You showed CP (and SLO) who's the boss, even if Jack pooped in your lab (I keeeed, I keeed)! It definitely wasn't easy, and I'm so so proud of you!

You've come a long long way--from Kansas really. My first memory that summarizes the Paula of yesteryear was when our matching bedroom furniture was delivered (Camila was too young to qualify for it) and one set had a scratch on the hutch. I cried and screamed to no end about how ruined my new room was. You, being the cool cucumber that you are, shrugged your shoulders and told mom and dad we could switch. The scratch was nothing to you, and seeing me upset was worse. There's video of me opening your 22 Barbies at your 5th birthday, typical me, typical you. Me trying to help, convincing myself I was being helpful, taking 27 years to realize I was being controlling and not so nice. It took you these past 23.5 years of your life to finally understand that I had the best intentions...from the days of winnie the pooh and the big yellow teeth, I really just didn't know how to show you I cared about you.

I've given you quite the adventure of tough love over the past 10 years, but I knew you could take it. You were my IM-ing best friend when I needed it most during college, and despite the rougher stages in our communication, we found a way to make it work (IM, who knew?). You graduated from Pres, went on to become an engineer at CP, and even though you said I was your inspiration, I put that idea back in your court and say you were your own inspiration, and you blew any inspiration I might have given you outta the water.

You became ESC president and leader extraordinare in so many ways. You joined a sorority, became house manager up on the hill, and managed to get the offer I patiently waited for and never got from the internet behometh. You raised a fun-loving doggie/son and kept a smile on your face through it all. You excelled beyond your wildest dreams, and always with a smile on your face. You fell down, and got up in your pink heels, tossed your hair aside, and really showed everyone that you would have the last laugh.

I'm so proud of you. I can't wait to watch you settle into your grown up life. Viva Argentina y Brasil! Congratulations Paula, it's your moment...cherish it!

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