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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Can you keep a surprise quiet? Good b/c I can't

I opened my big mouth and spoiled Jeremy's bday gift a whooping 3 months early. Ugh, I suck.

But in my defense, it's just too exciting to keep quiet about. You see, I love tennis (I used to be decent at the sport, we're talking high school so that was eons ago) and watching tourneys has sort of been our thing from the early days when I didn't even live in DC. I have fond memories of the Legg Mason classic (for the 2 years that we went) but then this whole August wedding and August anniversary trip pattern got in the way :P

Fast forward to us trying to get some US Open tickets last year, and ya well that didn't pan out. So this year I used my Amex member invitation to purchase them before they were open to the public. We're headed to the US Open this year, and on the finals weekend (well it's the Women's semis and Men's doubles finals) :) Maybe next year we'll finally make it to a big final round match. All I know is I can remember the days of Livermore Tennis Club (when I was playing 12 & under tourneys) and my "dream" of all time was to make it out to watch the US Open. Check, yeah!

For anyone trying to get tickets, click the picture below for the few that are left.

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