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Friday, June 6, 2008

Good reads

I went to an all-girls high school, so maybe it stems from those days…but I have a steady love/hate for things that single out women (for the better or worse). That being said I’m still a sucker for all things pink and pro-women career items (enter love, bubye hate).

Before the first of many psychotic hurricane-like storms this week, we strolled over to Gtown’s Barnes & Noble (Summy in tow, of course). With career planning and decision making on the brain, and with graduation season in full swing, I failed to skip over the kick your career into high gear table. I actually browsed over a good 5 or so books, and picked up the one with the cheesiest cover as a keeper. Yes, I hide the cover as I read it on the metro, but this is definitely a case of “don’t judge a book by its cover” (or title).

The Girl’s Guide to Kicking Your Career Into Gear was supposed to be part of P’s graduation gift for next week. Unfortunately (for her), I started flipping through it and before I knew it I was tabbing and highlighting portions like mad. Maybe it will become one of those books you’re supposed to pass on with love. Along with 4-hour Work Week, I’m starring this is a must read for all (ladies).

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