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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

well see how this blog thing fares this semester

so why the blog?
well, i always was tempted to do a blog but being a not-so-graceful ummm author, i was pretty embarassed at the thought. anyway, i got tired of the message boards, myspaces, mystylediary, etc.s and all they made me want to do was shop or party anyway. here's an attempt to keep family and close friends up to date on the going-on's. plus i like this being able to post a picture feature (and you don't even need to compress it, woohoo!). since i like taking pictures to tell my life-stories, i really like this. we'll see how well i am at keeping this starts manana. only 112 days until i'm done with schoooooool, and 116 days until graduation.

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