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Friday, January 26, 2007

Friday night = date night! :)

After a long dedicated day at work today, and in protest of the 16 hours of personal training continuing education credits (CECs) that I'll be taking ALL weekend, I'm enforcing Friday night = date night.
We're headed to a really cool fusion/tapas-style Indian food place...and guess what?--it's only 4 blocks or so away. Despite the short distance, have no fear, it's still windchill I will be sporting my snazzy Pink Burberry earmuffs. yay! I'm so looking forward to my tasty naan, samosas, and mmmm Indian beer! GET IN MAH BELLY!
So here I am, waiting for the mr. to pick up the doggy from daycare (Fridays are his day to be mr.doggydad) and fight for Friday night parking in the hood (I'm killing time writing this in the office before I head back to the city) .
I have to report to training by 8:30 tomorrow morning!--umpf! Calling it an early night already, peace!

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