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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

so this sparkpeople thing...

i had heard about sparkpeople here and there and mostly on the nest message boards that keep me entertained when school/work don't. anyway, i finally jumped on the bandwagon and joined, also started a family team to compete against other families :P
my goal is to lose 14 lbs (if that's possible) in the next 6 months---hey, if Kirstie Alley and everyone else can shed some, so can i! anyway, tomorrow marks my 7th day and first full week on the program (nothing really new except I'm now tracking every thing I eat and i'm starting to be conscious of how much i --don't--work out). we'll see how the "weigh-in" goes. i wouldn't expect to much seeing as how this weekend was full of food and drink that doesn't do a body good.


CB said...

What is this sparkpeople thing... I’ve never heard of it!!! But if it’s something that will help you/me keep on track of losing weight I’m totally in... It sounds like a kind of competition thing? Is it?? I would love to be in on that… I work well if there is a competition! I am training for the ½ in Feb and then hopefully another one in April before I go to Africa and would love to lose ummm lets say 15 to 20 and I would be skinny and I mean skinny but that would be awesome... so let me know the deal with this!!!

Maria said... is awesome. you can track your diet and exercise, and put in as much or as little effort as you want into logging those. i'll email you a link to my personal "sparkpage" and a referral so you can see :)

Anonymous said...

If you lose 14 lbs, I think you'll disappear or fly away with the wind!! (better reason to stay indoors and not workout!!) I think you look gorgeous in your pics anyway!!
