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Sunday, January 28, 2007

back to personal training...?

if you know me well enough, you know that i like to invest my energy into a new flavor of the month/year/etc. last year it was probably the wedding (though it probably should have been school, haha) and the year before it was how do i leave my job for something better (hence the personal training certification and grad school application process).
so here i am, walking into my final semester of school (forever maybe!) and i decide that after 16 hours of personal training coursework that i want to get back into it. you say what?!? ya, i know. i've learned a lot during my past two years of personal training/not-training, haha. the gym setting is not so much my thing. working as an independent consultant at a gym, well maybe. buuuuuuuuuut, my new friend becky (i met her in class this weekend) runs a pt business out of her 700 sq ft apt! if she can, so can i! :)
you know where this is going...
so now i've done my research on the business permit, taxes, etc. and i think it might really happen. maybe i should sleep on it, but that's not what the genetic erg in me has trained me to do.
i could train early mornings, evenings, and weekends...hmmm, tasty!
i just can't not be gym obsessed and maybe this is a good compromise. so before i press checkout on my 3-online gym fitness websites, i'm going to go to bed (early class tomorrow) and "sleep on it". ayyy, but really...i'd only be investing a big louie or so to get started, whatcha think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck Lil Sis! I so have tons of Faith in you! Big Hugs from your Big Bro in California!

You can do anything you put your mind to!