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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

new stuffs!

shopping overload!!! woah, i have so many exciting things to share. i'll update this post when i get home tonight especially with a picture of our new (custom--but so awesome looking it's not cheesy custom--made) mcg's pitcher!

yesterday, summy and i fought through traffic for a stop at sephora to get some of the best beauty buys recommended by Black Book of Hollywood Beauty Secrets.

#1 Ole Henriksen Fresh Start Eye Cream , #2 Philosophy's Oxygen Peel, and some #3 Smith's Rosebud Salve

then late at night, i was bored b/c jeremy didn't finish his memo until the very last minute (it was due at midnight) so i ventured over to makeupalley and found a must buy. after all, mom went out and bought some blush and that's one thing on my last that i really actually need. so here's what i got, at qvc :::gasp::: nonetheless.

these blushes received rave reviews, i hope i can figure out how to use the gel/stick thing on my face.
and last but not least, last week i order some shoes (steve madden's) on major clearance from piperlime. ups should be leaving them at my door today :) i'll post those pictures tonight too! yay for a self-imposed shopping ban after all this.

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