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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Patience, got any to spare?

Rumors are running wild, but confirmations are starting to roll in...YAY!
The MacBook Airs have started to ship (and mine is still sitting there, ack!), slowly but surely it will make its way into my eager hands. Rumors also say that since the first batch of orders will be fulfilled by Friday, the stores will have these babies by the weekend. Grumble grumble, where's mine Mr. FedEx? (ya, I know...not really something to complain about but I'm excited!)

I'm selling a boatload of never-used fashion overindulgences on eBay and the auctions end tomorrow. Gotta love the influx of "intelligent" questions from potential buyers: "can u except a money order even though you only accept paypal?", "your listing says you don't ship internationally, but can you ship to Australia?" Ummm, that's all a resounding NO people. I mean really, it's hard enough to part with this stuff and now you expect me to break my established guidelines for your misspelled request? Ha!
Then I'm wondering will this stuff even sell? (only 1 item has met the reserve, doat!--maybe I should bend the rules) I hope I can make enough to fund some more pilates personal training or will I make just barely enough to buy a bottle of wine at next week's (dedicated post to come) wine festival?

and since my Gocco's instructions are in Japanese and I have a fever (= my brain is worthless tonight), I instead whipped out the camera to annoy my little Summy:) **note her ever present "babies": her weiner dog/monkey and her squeaker tennis ball

But I can't wait to figure out my Gocco and start making stuffs :)

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