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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Etsy amazingness

Most of us have heard of Etsy by now, and even if you haven't, the best way I can describe the plethora of options and my frustration is the feeling I get on that yearly occasion when I attempt to score a deal at a Filene's Basement, Loehmann's, or the like. My head explodes just thinking about the massive amounts of options and stuff that you have to dig through for that gem. To some it's a sport and the prize is the find. And to be honest, there are some amazing necklaces, cards, camera bags, everything on Etsy! It just requires patience I wasn't born with.

Anyway, just this week I stumbled up on some Etsy recommendations from friends and I had to share them because they're just that cool!

I admired and shared the first one with a few of you yesterday because it was a total favorite but they sold out before even I could get my hands on them. I'm hoping for a second round offering.

From another very talented Etsy seller, something for the lady photographer (a replacement for that lame camera strap):

I think these go well with my Shootsac!

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