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Friday, January 18, 2008

No sleep until February 13

and that's because I'm so freaking excited!

Anyone who knows me, knows that I have a personal no-need-to-explain-beef with Apple (the tech company, not the fruit). I've begrudgingly adopted to the itunes and ipod way of life (my 2 minis, nano, and shuffle can attest to that), and I'll even admit that I love my nike+ system.

But now check out what's coming my way...

This is seriously shocking on so many levels:
- this is possible only with the endless generosity of the Ergs
- I finally found a laptop that's sleek enough to hangout with my Chanel East-West and the rest of my closet goodies
- I never thought I'd be a sucker of the "switch" campaign
- I don't even think my hand can do a single click (I've read that you can change that setting to the ever-familiar double click routine, phew)
- and the announcement timing was pretty incredible, given that just last week I started looking for a replacement to my faithful but "tired" 4 year old Vaio

So to say that I'm excited is an incredible understatement, I can't wait to start editing my photography on my new baby.

And to dispel any ideas that I am a sucker for this product or that I didn't do my specs research, I know it only has 1 USB port, no ethernet, a built-in battery, blah blah. I DON'T CARE. I got a USB hub, I can't remember the last time I used my ethernet port, and despite my dad's strong urgings I never replaced my 4 year old Sony's battery. Whoops :P And the whole 80G hard drive concern, I'm pretty sure that the nice little TB I have will supplement just fine. Besides, since Jeremy feels the need to have a triple-boot option (Windows, Ubuntu, and Leopard) it looks like a Time Capsule will soon be on it's way to the Doggpound.

I also know it's not built with the brains of the MacBook Pro workhorse, or even scarier, Jeremy's 50lb (it feels like it, I swear) Dell XPS...and that's exactly how I like it. I'm an internet-shopping, message board reading, photo-editing, style-conscious laptop user. I want it light, portable, sexy, and easy to use.

And I'll even feature "her" clothes (yes, the MacBook Air is clearly a "she") in my next post :)

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