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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Perfect for spicing up the blah black suit!

Tomorrow marks the start of some big vendor visits. Given the formal environment of my office, I'm sure I'll get strange looks if/when I opt out from wearing the standard black suit.

I've decided to conform on the unwritten rule requiring the black suit (at least for tomorrow, it is a Monday after all), but I've got to keep it fresh and these new red patent mary-janes are just the perfect piece to keep the look a little more me.

Le Due by Due Farina is a new brand to me, but I stumbled upon these at a killer 65% off at the perma-sample sale boutique, Treat (in Alexandria). Super comfy, no toe cleavage to be concerned with, and just the perfect shade of red. Not to mention, the shopping experience was so fun and I really think that the concept behind this store tempts me to someday open up something similar back home.

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