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Monday, December 3, 2007

Boots dilemma

A scary glimpse (if you're my husband or any male on this planet for that matter) into my inner monologue as I ride the metro to work on a not-so-cold Monday morning:

This is what I call a boot dilemma.
There once was a pair of foxy boots:
That I fell in lurve with a long long time ago (think months and months...that's a long time for someone with Erg-DNA).

But to resist the evil lemming (and save the wallet from torture), and because I couldn't get my hands on them to even try them on, I settled upon these (still quality, and probably a more "useful" color):
and these
So while the Delman Dharmas that I scored on 2 separate awesome sale occasions ('s 25% off back in September and Bloomies 40% off a few weeks ago) are sitting in my closet *unworn* at the awesome find of a 2-for-1 price...I think I rather have the Loeffler Randalls up top. Hmmm, the thing is I don't need 2 pairs of "Robin Hood" boots (as Jeremy would say) in my life. Though I did justify the first 2 pairs: 1 for inclement weather (the goatskin Delmans) and 1 for sunny fall/spring (suede Delmans) weather.

So what does an Erg do? Well, the LR are sold out everywhere, unless you are a size 9 and want them in black (then hit up the Purse Store in Bethesda). These rarely go on sale (supply and demand, duh) and they just came up for presale in my size in that awesome tan color at Neimans, so my finger slipped on the order and hit submit. I'm hoping they arrive sooner than later, but expected ship date is "no later than January 20, 2008". Happy new year feet!

Let's hope they don't actually fit :P and all can stay as originally planned with just 1 pair of Delmans in my closet (but then which ones would I send back?). I'm actually scared because I read that the LR run about a half size small, so I should've sized up (but I couldn't in this color, wah!). I'll bind my feet if I have to! But then, what if the LR are the perfect fit? Well then, I'll need to keep at least one pair of the Delmans to round out my flat boot wardrobe right?

Moral of the story, never settle. Why? Well, I should've bought that pink tank ring at Cartier in Paris back in December of 2003 but I didn't and now it's discontinued and sold out and I would've need it custom ordered to my size...and the sales lady offered but she was a snoot and ::sigh:: I never got it.

Stay tuned for the boot dilemma follow-up...

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