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Saturday, December 8, 2007

A new favorite designer: Heidi Merrick

I'm not sure how I even stumbled upon these designs, but I'm loving Heidi Merrick's style.

I think I was googling sewing patterns for my sister and just came across Heidi's "About Me" section that mentions how her mother used to sew all her clothes. Is a sewing machine in my future? I haven't touched one since I was maybe 9 years old?--well, except for that 1 long afternoon last year where I decided to make a beach bag from scratch, and then proceeded to add some swarovski flair. Ay, what was I thinking? I finished it after like 10 hours of labor.

Classy, chic, with a great talent for just a little ooompf to make it unique. Her pieces are in the $300-400+ range, so it's not as budget-friendly as our one-income household would like...but rest assured that you won't step into a crowded theatre, restaurant, or bar and find 5 sorority girls or MDALs wearing the same thing. And no, waiting the season out in hopes for a killer deal at Nordstrom Rack isn't going to help you either. A handful of boutiques carry her line, including Pink November (which shooed Summer and I out of there last weekend in a not so nice manner, a simple No dogs allowed would have been sufficient) in Georgetown.

I can't really justify anymore dresses, let alone another black dress. I need Spring to hurry up because the grey & black dresses are starting to take over my entire closet.

But man do I lurve these dresses/coats, a girl can dream right?

**Thanks to, I found this out: "*Heidi Merrick discount: get 10% off your purchase when you contact Yolanda by phone (323-717-2153) or email ( before placing your order" and/or order via Le Train Bleu using DAILYCANDY for 25% off!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

check out her blog and keep up-to-date on her designs, sample sales, life, etc.