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Monday, December 3, 2007


So while I told Summy we were headed out for a short Saturday afternoon stroll to upper Gtown, we were really going to Sugar to fill our void of the Grapefruit scented Makes Scents candle. Mmmmm, really love this candle. And oddly enough, so does the Mr.

But that reminds me that I've found another great scent, it's season but still so yummy! Slatkin & Co (I found this one at Cusp, but also sold at Saks and Neimans) has a Holiday scent out and it's just the perfect blend of pine, with spice, and you can almost imagine a holiday pie baking in the background. It definitely brings together all things tied to Christmas in a scent and I highly recommend this one!

Next weekend, I'll probably have Summy in tow to get a backup Holiday candle (at Cusp, gotta peruse the replenished sale rack too) in case we run out before December is up.

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