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Monday, June 25, 2007


Le grand tour of Cali, I will be hitting up LA (blah) SF and the South Bay all in the next 60 hours--it's gonna be crazy. Luckily I get to see my parents, sister (darn you Jamaica for taking P away, ok j/k), and two best friends :) I'm apparently also there for work. boo to the hoo for the trabajo but ya that it takes me home for the first time in a year.
And now I leave you this from the good ole Cali days:

P.S. Jeremy lost his 2nd gym ID and his gym shoes in the last week (how does that happen?), let's hope I find Summy and him clean and fed when I get back :P

1 comment:

LW said...

Maria- I love your blog!! I am also obsessed with makeup and skin care and I love that I can come here and get some good info. *bookmarked*

Also, I didn't know you were into personal training...once I'm out here, we should talk lol See you sooooon, my dear! :)