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Saturday, June 9, 2007

b/c prevention is more affordable than after the fact

So fitting the theme of aging or not wanting to, i was reading up on skincare. Now makeup and skincare have always been my thing. I've been doing my sisters' and friends' makeup for years and years. I mean the Body Shop was my favorite store back in 4th grade, and I treasured my toner and moisturizer like i did my sanrio stationary and pencils. Fashion, well call me a poser. 12 years of catholic school uniforms have that effect (I finally became comfortable buying a pair of navy bermuda shorts a few weeks ago, lol).
Anyway, as educated as I'd like to pretend I am in this area (I am a gEEk after all, and like the techie side of being a girl), I'm not completely an expert on sunscreen. In the last few weeks I've done a 180 from wanting to achieve a real tan to being a sun-a-phobe :P I should've started back when oh I was diagnosed with an allergic reaction to the sun (and probably some suncreens) and broke out in a ridiculous rash in HAWAII, but I didn't. Well, recently this has changed. I found my HG (holy grail) fake tanner and love the entire line. TanTowels -love them!
Moving on, and getting to the point, is your sunscreen photostable? This is entirely new to me and very very interesting. Check it out, sunscreen is cheaper than IPL and microderm or even the nastier alternatives.
More sunscreen information here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.