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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Botkier Bianca homecoming day!

Isn't she lovely?
I can't wait for my Monday impulse-buy to arrive. It's not so much of an impulse given that I first spotted it in real life at H&M on 5th Ave last month, and when I came home to research it a little more I wasn't impressed by the $600+ price tag given my self-imposed shoplite or shoppingban as I'm aiming for. I shelved it on my wishlist and figured I could wait until it drops a little in price, but I've honestly been too busy to stalk sales like I normally would.
Anyway, I roll into work on Monday morning to the firedrills that started last week and even more madness this I say, 5-minute timeout to stay sane. Log onto my favorite MUA fashion board, and what do my leeeeetle eyes see?--a PSA stating that Saks had just placed my beloved Botkier Bianca on sale for over 50% off :)
I clicked over to ebates and Saks as fast as I could and within a minute, secured the deal.
Now if FedEx will cooperate (THEY NEVER DO), hopefully they'll actually attempt the delivery they claim and hopefully be literate enough to read the note on my door authorizing them to leave the package there.
We'll see...I'll be grilling hamburgers out front for dinner tonight so I will keep a close watch on any FedEx trucks driving by. Cross your fingers for me, last time FedEx took an extra 3 business days to deliver >:0 Arg!

1 comment:

CB said...

oh my god!!! why didnt u tell me there was a bag sale.. what blog told you that? how do u find out about these sales?