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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Doggpound Nutrition| Organic and gluten-free yumminess

Welcome to the third shelf of the Doggpound cupboard. Here you'll find a plethora of gluten-free tasty snacks. Our current favorites include: Larabars, KIND bars, and Think bars...and the not so gluten free Apex Hershey's Protein Brownies.

I can't rave enough about the taste, texture, nutrition facts (a little more fat--a la 10grams avg--than I'm used to, but so what) and gluten-free concept. Maybe it's a trend, as I just read about the Gluten-free revolution in this morning's Express (pg33), yes I know it's for those who suffer from Celiac disease, but I'm all about how great I feel post-gluten free indulgences. I'm a true believer in what my mom's best friend shared with me something like 8 years ago, the belief that we're all allergic to processed flours and sugars to some degree or another. All I know is that anytime I step back from that nasty white flours and sugars, I feel a million times better. I love it, Gluten Free Gluttony!

I haven't tried all the flavors, but from what I've tried...pure yumminess!

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