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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Dining Alfresco in DC--maps for Chinatown and Adams Morgan

How nifty, check this out (fully functional map if you click on the screen shot). The crew over at the Washington Post has compiled the best places to eat and drink (different symbols for each) around DC that let you take advantage of the Spring weather that we're supposed to be having. Here's a screen shot (which links you to the real deal, didn't I just say that?).

For your benefit, I'll add some of my own ideas around town:
  • Westend Bistro, at the Ritz
  • Alero in Cleveland Park, just above the Cleveland Park metro and at 13th & U NW
  • Hudson, 21st & M NW
  • Cork, on 14th b/w R & S NW

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