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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Restaurant Rave: Giovanni's Trattu

A few weeks late in publishing but...
Wow, yum, amazing, delicious!

During the birthday week celebrations, we had an absolutely tasty dinner at Giovanni's Trattu over on Jefferson Place ( just a block south of N St and West of Connecticut, around the SE corner of the Palm Restaurant).

It's a cute little restaurant in an English basement, tucked away. If not for yelp reviews, I really would not have ever noticed this place. Especially given the fact that in our 2+ years of being in the neighborhood, and walking by this on the way home from some Conn Ave rowdiness, I can't say I ever remember noticing that this place even existed.

We skipped the appetizers, opting for some indulgent entrees instead. J feasted on some Stufatino di Coniglio (Rabbit stew--is that even Italian?), mom & I went for the homemade Gnocchi di Patate della Nonna, and dad opted for the Filetto di Salmone alla erbe(?--in my 27 yr old age, I can't remember anymore). We shared some fabulous red wine, and then went over the top with an amazing Tiramiusu-like (but not so much that it would displease a coffee hater) decadence and some old Porto.

This restaurant really is a gem. Very quaint, not very many people dining on a weekend evening. The service was great, but the food was just over the top delicious! I really think Al Tiramisu has slipped to #2 in our list of favorite Italian eats. I think it's just the "hidden" location that keeps the crowds from finding out about this place (Giovanni's), but for now I'm ok with not having to share.

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