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Thursday, March 15, 2007

We're alive!!!

After 7 days in hiding, we're back and ready to P-A-R-T-Y!!

Jeremy turned in his last brief tonight and I turned in a take-home (awful) midterm and took another 2 hour midterm yesterday...umpf!

What have we been up to? Same old same old: shopping, drinking, working out, travel planning and playing with Summy. I got my hair did today and I think Jeremy is inspired to get his chopped manana. We'll be finalizing the menu for our 12-25 guests on Saturday and making sure the kegerator is rested and ready to go. Too bad the weather isn't holding up :( It was 80 yesterday, 70-something today and now it's forecast to snow on Saturday :0

Last Saturday Jeremy was a real trooper, I accidentally invited him to a girls-only dinner w/ some of my friends (hey, I sincerely thought some fellers would be there) and it turned out to be a 15:1 ratio. Poor Jeremy :P Award for awesome hubby of the year is due!

I'll get some pictures of Jeremy's TURNTABLES AND NEW MIXER and our entertainment stand once we get it all situated. He bought turntables!! DJ JDogg is getting serious :P I on the other hand had a tame shopping week and simple mapped out our next trip. Vegas in May, Aruba in August, Chile in December, and a grand finale of New Year's in Argentina! :) No African Safari for me this year, but I'm saving my pennies and hopefully next August I will be hanging out with some monos and elefantes.

I'll be adding pictures of my new hair (maybe) and my buys from 2 weeks ago tonight I hope, stay tuned for pictures galore :)

1 comment:

CB said...

ohhh i cant wait!! pics please!!!!!!