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Saturday, March 3, 2007

Adventures in Travel Expo Review...and why I need more sleep

So I ventured out on my own this afternoon:
a. because the weather was ~60 = amazing!
b. because Jeremy is writing his law-review competition brief and I need to "be silent" at home so he can focus ::boring::
c. because I had to meet up with a friend that hosted a Candle Lite party a few weeks ago, and I wanted my goods
d. because we've been discussing our next 6 major trips (hopefully 2 a year for the next 3 years) and a travel expo only seemed fitting.

At the DC Convention Center (right by our old stomping grounds) this weekend they're hosting the Adventures in Travel Expo. Well, I spent about an hour and some walking from booth to booth. I hungout mostly in the areas marked "South America" "Africa" and "Adventure" because that describes our immediate travel focus.
On my way out, after grabbing brochures and magazines like you wouldn't believe, I got suckered into a promotion sponsored by a resort club company which is actually who we bought our timeshare from in Aruba. Who gets suckered into something like this twice? In summary, I bought something I'm not eligible for even though all 3 salespersons guaranteed me that I was. So the battle will begin on Monday to get my $69 back...arg. If it had worked, it would've been 3 nights in Vegas on the strip for $69 no strings attached. Being that we are already owners through them...the fine print says it ain't gonna happen for us :( Boo to the hoo!

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