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Sunday, March 23, 2008

A "perfect" Saturday in DC

Yesterday was very relaxing and perfect in a DC sightseeing sort-of way. Jeremy's parents escaped the snow, and brought some friends for Summy (although it was more a game of hide from the scary hyper black doggy).

We started the afternoon with a stroll over to 14th St to check out the Adamson Gallery's Sartorialist's exhibit. We also went next door to see the garbage bag (?) sculpture exhibit. Pretty interesting.

Then we walked down to the Museum of Natural History to see their Nature's Best 2007 Photography International Awards Exhibit. So very amazing. I loved the African wildlife pictures, and this especially made me want to start planning our dream visit to the Serengeti. The photography exhibit has about 60+ pictures ranging from Macros of Iguana eyes to fantastic scenery of glaciers and polar bears, as well as breathtaking rock formations in Alaska and Nevada. The coolest part for the photography enthusiasts is that all equipment is listed with each picture, and the settings are also included. Way cool!

On our way out we strolled past the Hope Diamond, in case Jeremy needs a little inspiration for my bday gift ;)

We topped the night off with some appetizers and liter(s) of house wine at West End Bistro (an absolute neighborhood favorite!). We can't get enough of their fish burgers, pork pies, and grilled shrimp quinoa salad. This was our second time trying to get a table there, and because they were full for the night we (again) sat at the bar...but no complaints, that menu is super tasty!

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