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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Just relaxing :)

So we're watching the debate, drinking the Mattaponi Miskwamin "Red Wine 2006" that J bought when he wandered off on his own at the Wine Festival-- = not so tasty unless you've been wine tasting/chugging for a few hours.
Anyway, we're looking forward to the weekend. If the weather holds up, Summy will get to visit the farm and I'll get to see our superstar nephew and the rest of the family :)
Speaking of family, check out the awesome gorgeous super meaningful left me speechless flowers P sent me (no, not the devil's child, my sister). Love you lady!

Also, super excited b/c I just signed up for more personal training in Pilates...I seriously look forward to Mondays and Thursdays just for my workouts :) Lurve pilates personal training! And hey, it's cheaper (maybe, I'll just tell myself that) than going to the chiropractor :P

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