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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Looooooooove these

Check out the awesome letterpress work of Cotton Idea Studio, based out of SoCal. Amazing!
Here are my favorites:

Not ashamed to admit, that I can't wait for the Hills!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

DC going-ons

1. LuluLemon Athletica in Gtown is hosting a special runners event tomorrow night, marathon for Mdogg in 2008? maybe a half ;) It's free, too bad the gear I'll want won't be :P
So You Think You Can Run?
February 27, 2008
Location: 1081 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, 3rd Floor
WANT TO TRAIN FOR A MARATHON BUT DON’T KNOW HOW? lululemon athletica is here to help!

On Wednesday, February 27th, 2008, lululemon athletica will host an event to discuss important running topics with the professionals. Private shopping will be held after the event for men and women looking for some new running gear.

Topics include:
• Creating a smart and effective training schedule
• Increasing endurance and speed with proper technique
• Eating for energy and endurance
• Choosing the most appropriate running gear

WHERE: Lululemon Athletica Georgetown Showroom
WHEN: Wednesday, February 27th
TIME: 6:00 – 8:00pm
PHONE: 202-333-0849
COST: Complimentary

Guest Speakers:
• Ewunike Akpan Turner - LOTUS Fitness Personal Training, Boot Camp Instructor
• Michele Schlossberg - Holistic Health Counselor, EveryBody Nutrition
• Ben Cooke - The Running Company

2. Then on Saturday, there's Alexandria's Boutique Warehouse Sale!

3. and next Tuesday is my favorite local shopping event of all time! They've also added an amazing silent auction. Ack, why must I be out of town? Must be a sign, lol...I did plenty of bargain hunting at the Fall event :P

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Just relaxing :)

So we're watching the debate, drinking the Mattaponi Miskwamin "Red Wine 2006" that J bought when he wandered off on his own at the Wine Festival-- = not so tasty unless you've been wine tasting/chugging for a few hours.
Anyway, we're looking forward to the weekend. If the weather holds up, Summy will get to visit the farm and I'll get to see our superstar nephew and the rest of the family :)
Speaking of family, check out the awesome gorgeous super meaningful left me speechless flowers P sent me (no, not the devil's child, my sister). Love you lady!

Also, super excited b/c I just signed up for more personal training in Pilates...I seriously look forward to Mondays and Thursdays just for my workouts :) Lurve pilates personal training! And hey, it's cheaper (maybe, I'll just tell myself that) than going to the chiropractor :P

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Illy in the neighborhood

Well, it was an easy-going/mellow V-day. J has been sick ::cough cough, sniffle:: for over a week. He's finally feeling better.

I dragged him out with my parents for our "photowalk" on Saturday afternoon. The only way to get him to concede was to start with some caffeine, and look at what we found on our way to the new Starbucks (bubye Sbux) :) (I don't drink coffee but I have a big family of addicts, yay Illy)

Rockband is the boss of the Doggpound

What a weekend, the drummer:

and his rockin guitarist

Not loving the wait on the metro this weekend...

Monday, February 18, 2008

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day Gringo Teddy :)

Yum yum, those are some homemade Red Velvet cake balls :) All 50 of them have taken over our fridge.

Inspiration courtesy of Bakerella, and put into reality courtesy of Sprinkles Red Velvet cupcake mix, some homemade cream cheese frosting, some melted semisweet chocolate, and a whole lot of labor.
These aren't the prettiest ones of the batch, but I'm tired and I wanted to share :)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

It's here!

actually, it's been here since Monday night, note the absence of blog posts. whoops :P
...and I've been up late trying to train my windows brain to click once and fighting battles like installing my photoshop apps.

Paper madness, rock on Gocco!

Yesterday was a little rough on the liver (Virginia Wines Showcase all day).
In a not-so-surprising turn of events, we lost 3 wine bottles, a onesie, and we're still figuring out what else is missing.

I decided to lay low today thanks to J and friends playing Rockband until 6am. me so sleepy :(

Here's my grand accomplishment for the day, breaking out the Gocco and finally putting that leftover wedding paper to good use.
Gocco, where have you been all my life?  Pictures coming...

oh ya, made this too